Thursday, June 18, 2015

Uncharted Territory

I am so lucky to have the BEST third grade teammate anyone could ever ask for.  It took us all of two minutes to form a friendship.  Last year, we were both new to teaching third grade and I was new to the school also.  Needless to say, we learned so much.  Our school uses the Everyday Math series.  It took some getting use to it and as with all programs there are pros and cons that go along with it.

Anyway, this year we have decided to start Guided Math.  I am sure that there will be a lot of learning along the way but we are super excited.  I have read almost everything on Pinterest that I can find on Guided Math.

I have decided that we will have four rotations during Guided Math.

T: Teacher Table (complete the pages in our Math Journal)

I: Independent Work (working on the skill of the day)

M: Math Facts (this will probably be Xtramath on the computer)

E: Essential Skills (games and task cards to practice skills we are working on)

We are lucky to have 90 minutes of Math instruction time.The first 10-15 minutes of class will be an overview of the days lesson.  I try to play a fun informative video of the skill we are working on at the beginning of each Math lesson.  The video will be during this time also.  I am going to have each station be about 15 minutes.  That will leave us with about 10 minutes at the end to finish with a reflective question.  This is new to me this year.  I got the idea from Step into Second Grade's Blog.

I am so excited to implement Guided Math this year.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Here is a freebie that I made to help set up my Guided Math Binder!

Guided Math



  1. Hi Emily!
    I found your blog via the #littlefishteacherblogger linky and I am excited to be following you. I am very interested in your guided math time. We only have a 60 min. blog and I want to do more guided time as you have outlined but I have to do a number talk and a word problem each day. I am hoping that the word problem can be part of their independent work after a few weeks. I was wondering how you will be organizing your groups. Will they be leveled or mixed groups and will you have them working on the same skills at each rotation or will some of them be reviewing skills?

    Can't wait to learn more!


    1. Hi there! I am so glad that you found my blog. I would love to hear how your Guided Math is going when school starts back up. I am going to give a preassessment at the beginning of each unit. Then I will base my groups off of how they do on the assessment. It will have one sample problem from each skill taught in that unit. It shouldn't take the kiddos more than 10 minutes to complete. Most of the time I will have them working on a skill that we are learning in the current unit, however, in the past, I have also had my low group working on skills that they are needing to review from second grade.

  2. Love your information about guided math. Math is my primary teaching subject and I love reading new ideas about how others 'do' math in their room. Thanks so much for sharing. We have 90 minutes for math and I have 4 stations - teacher, tech, practice and fluency. I am still in the process of finalizing the 'hows' of the stations. Great to meet you! Hope you will hop over to my blog! I look forward to checking out your TPT! Belinda ToTheEdge

  3. Hi Emily! I'm so excited to begin following your third grade adventures. I teach 3rd in San Diego. I am also starting guided math this year through Daily 3 (and Daily 5 at the same time. Yikes!) and I'll be using DigitWhiz in addition to Xtra Math for fact practice. It's available on computers or on iPads (not sure if you have access) and my kiddos loved it last year! There's also an app called Math Slide which they can play alone or with up to 3 other players.

    Dawn at Revenge of the Thirds

    1. Thank you for sharing these apps. I am always looking for new Math games for the students to play.

  4. Hi Emily! I'm so excited to begin following your third grade adventures. I teach 3rd in San Diego. I am also starting guided math this year through Daily 3 (and Daily 5 at the same time. Yikes!) and I'll be using DigitWhiz in addition to Xtra Math for fact practice. It's available on computers or on iPads (not sure if you have access) and my kiddos loved it last year! There's also an app called Math Slide which they can play alone or with up to 3 other players.

    Dawn at Revenge of the Thirds
